Remove the valve covers , remove the belts, then the hoses, timing belt cover, and mark your timing belt-locations/placement of the cogs.
Remove the right side motor-mount.
remove the timing belt with Saturn tool number F-1210039-AF-000 to loosen the tensioner without losing the innards of the tensioner.
Using your %26quot;L%26quot; shaped TORX wrenches (#35) remove the Water pump,.
Replacement is the reverse, dont for get to buy all new gaskets, also for the Valve cover too!!
Easy!How to change a water pump on a 1994 Saturn SL2?Wow! Worst best answer I have seen here. I have the H20 pump from my 94 SL2 in my hand. All I had to remove was the tire, the plastic splash guard, the serpentine belt and the coolant. That year Saturn has a timing chain. Not a belt. I needed no special tools either. Just common wrenches and sockets
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How to change a water pump on a 1994 Saturn SL2?TAKE IT TO A QUALIFIED repair shop you have to mess with the timing on some of those damn saturns to change the water pump . Alittle hint if you have over 70,000 miles on that engine get a new timing belt put on it as well . if that belt breaks it will bend every single valve in your head , and its very pricey to have repaired. not to mention all the bolts that hold every thing together are single use only. it states that in black and white in a saturn repair manual.
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