Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where is the water pump on a 2003 svt cobra located?

I need to replace the water pump but i dont know where to find it, where is it located and how do i remove it? thank you.Where is the water pump on a 2003 svt cobra located?its just to the left of center and its in the very front of the engine compartment just behind the radiator. i own a 2004 cobra and mine failed and I did not know it. i was doing some high speed passes and It caused me to cook a cylinder. I am so pissed.


sorry, but I do not know how to remove it.Where is the water pump on a 2003 svt cobra located?it should be on the front of the engine behind the fan thats where most of them are on v8s there should be a belt you have to take off then a number of bolts then smake sure you have all of the old gasket removed and slap it all back together and fill with coolentWhere is the water pump on a 2003 svt cobra located?follow your radiator hoses to the engine, that'll lead you right to it

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