Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do I know if the water pump is working?

I have a 1981 Jeep CJ7 with a GM 150, 4 cylinder. I just bought it and haven't driven it much, but after an around the block trip, it seems hot(temp gauge doesn't work either). I took the top hose off to see it there is a thermostat and to see if it is pumping while the engine is running. Didn't find a thermostat. After about 2 or 3 minutes a small flow was coming out of the pump, but not much. How much flow should I expect to see from a properly functioning water pump? Thanks, LouHow do I know if the water pump is working?best way to check your water pump is to fill your radiator,put your cap back on,start it up, if you don't see water coming out around your water pump,then it should be working.if it doesn't have thermostat it needs one, id go with a 180. without it,it could run hot,if there is one,replace it,could be stuck. if the water pump was bad it would have water coming out of it,it has a small hole under it to let you know when it goes out.How do I know if the water pump is working?You can see the coolant circulate in the radiator at running temp.How do I know if the water pump is working?Good God Man!

Your vehicle has no anti-freeze in it!

The fact that you ran the engine with a top radiator hose off screams that you have a death wish and no common sense!

Get help before you destroy the engine.

(Big hint the radiator has a cap that you take off when cold and then start the engine and wtach the antifreeze move around)

ASE Cert Auto Tech, Shop OwnerHow do I know if the water pump is working?You said that there is no thermostat. If the radiator and block is full...and COLD!! Do not do this hot, you should see almost a full upper hose of water flowing. What you seem to be seeing is flow from a closed theromostat. It does not matter if you have antifreeze in the coolant or not for this test..Do you have a that will cause low rpm overheating also.

Good Luck,,,keep parts of you body out of the pulleys.

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